In the late 1990s, the town of Freiamt in Germany's Black Forest decided to take the fight against global warming into its own hands...
Today, the Freiamters are proudly self-sufficient. What's more, in 2007 they generated an extra 2.3 million kilowatt-hours beyond the 12 million they consumed. They sold the surplus, enough for an additional 200 homes, back to the national grid. - Newsweek
What's holding my community, our community, your community from doing the same? Or more?
Link from Lunch Over IP. It's one of my favorite blogs on innovation and technology. I've included it in my Typelist of Innovation blogs.
Great read and informative, thanks. You’re right we don’t hear very much at all about the Greens Policies. I had no idea they didn’t recieve big biz political donations – good on them. This will be something I’ll be keeping strongly in mind when I head to the ballot box.
Very awesome of you to share these - thanks! :)
Posted by: Business Energy Australia | November 28, 2010 at 06:13 AM