Join us, Steve Strauss and I, tomorrow 9:30 AM Central on BlogTalk Radio to talk about... small business. Steve's going to do most of the talking tomorrow (if I'm a good host). That's a good thing. Steve has a wealth of knowledge, tips and resources, on small business and how to build a successful business from startup to a thriving and growing enterprise.
And don't we need more of those these days!
By thriving, I mean an enterprise that's adding...J-O-B-S. Jobs.
And don't we need more of those these days!
And where else will they come from, these jobs, but small business?!? There's the reason you need to listen to this show. Find out where and how jobs are going to be created.
Steve blogs at Mr All Biz. And he's a regular columnist on small business at USAToday.
And, he's written The Small Business Bible: everything you need to know to succeed in your small business. We're going to talk about this everything. You'll want to listen to what solutions he offers.
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