This is one reason why recovering from failure is such a great opportunity. If you or your organization fail and then you pull out all the stops to recover or make good, the expectation/delivery gap is huge. You don't win because you did a good job, you win because you so dramatically exceeded expectations. via Seth Godin in The Paradox of Promises in the Age of Word of Mouth
So...try not to be afraid of failure. We all are to some extent. And that's normal. Who wants to be a failure...?
But when it happens, failure, and it will...use it as a springboard to leap through failure's looking glass and:
A. win back the customer.
B. learn, learn, learn.
C. generate a little or a lotta word-of-mouth in the process.
See? There's no need to be afraid. Through the looking-glass of failure is a wonderland of opportunity to succeed, learn and grow.
See? There's no need to over-react on your associates when it happens, failure, and it will....Help them use it as their springboard...through their own looking glass to their wonderland of...success, learning and growth.
Thanks, Seth. You always deliver. Happy Birthday.
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