That’s right. Encourage your brand evangelists, that’s you and your employees, to think like a CEO.
CEO’s are leaders. They’re engaged. They’re accountable. They have purpose. They think strategically, conceiving tactics and measuring their results. They are CHIEF EXECUTION officers.
Execution requires engagement. CEOs are CHIEF ENGAGEMENT officers.
This will frighten the weak and the incompetent and their underlings who thrive by enabling a Wizard of Oz culture. Sad. If they only looked behind the curtain...or at themselves.
Employee engagement happens when:
- every employee is encouraged, even expected, to be the CEO for their results;
- that expectation of themselves and others is the norm, not an unwelcomed disruption in a brand’s declining trajectory;
- the same commitment is made to every employee, top-to-bottom and first-to-last, that they will have the best tools and training and resources they need to do their job just as a Board makes to the traditional CEO;
- every employee is held accountable for their results just as every CEO is held accountable. Only their Board of Directors are their peers, their teammates, even their customers;
- every employee is encouraged to learn, learn, learn. That’s different than memorizing factotums and slogans launched in a meeting in order to regurgitate them at the appropriate time;
- employees ideas are embraced and respected as is common among CEOs.
You have two choices:
- empower your brand evangelists to think like CEOs and create a culture of leaders and learners to drive your growth today...and tomorrow.
- insist on a wizard of oz culture where rigid outdated solutions can only be dispensed from on high with one mighty booming voice and spend your day browbeating your brand evangelists to neither look behind the curtain nor realize they are far more talented and skilled than recognized and have the solutions their company needs.
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