Creating a culture of recognition and engagement is a journey. Given that the average company sees less than 30% of its employees engaged, emotionally and intellectually, with the challenges of their workplace, most companies and their leaders and managers wander in the wilderness. Not all who wander are lost, but in the arena of recognition and engagement...the majority of companies wander not even knowing they’re lost.
The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. So...
Start their first day off with a grand reception. In fact, make the whole day a grand reception.
Call them the night before their first day and let them know how their contributions will matter. Recognize them for what you saw in their talents and skills and potential. Be sure to remind them of their future with the company and why that you. (They already know...Now, they know you know as well.)
Welcome them at the front door. They'll need to know that's a habit.
Call them by their first name.
Make sure the necessary resources are ready for them. That includes equipment and training, now and in the future.
Have a party. Make it fun.
Why? There are three obvious reasons.
1. A New Hire is a Sign of Progress. Whether this decision was reached to add another person or replace a former star performer, it's a sign of progress. It's exciting. You should always celebrate your progress.
2. Well begun is half done. This sets the tone, building the right expectation for the following days. Imagine their enthusiasm at the end of that day? Imagine what they'll tell their families and friends!
3. This celebrate the start, the first step, for a new journey with everyone else. It’s in their interests to celebrate the arrival of a new hire even knowing their workday will, at first, be more demanding. Only when this new hire is trained and integrated into the organization’s operations can they take their next career step. Learning comes much faster when both the student and teacher are enthusiastic. When they are able to take their own next step, then another celebration and another series of journeys begin.
So, go ahead. Have a party. Welcome your newest brand evangelist with a grand reception.
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