Does a book ever jump out at you, resonate with you, make your shoulders and neck and head tingle with a great big ‘yes?’
That’s what happened when I saw Carol Sanford’s latest book The Responsible Entrepreneur: Four Game-Changing Archetypes for Founders, Leaders and Impact Investors. As I read the first pages my shoulders and neck and head tingled. I thought to myself Yes! This is a fine book.
She offered an hour of her time to talk with me about her book. You can listen here.
What’s so fine about her latest book? Let’s start with the foundations of a good book.
Cover Design. See? Simple, clear design.
Testimonials. Look at ‘em. Whoa. Kare Anderson, Stephen Denning, Hunter Lovins to name a few.
Organization. It’s clear, logical, easy-to-get at a glance. Crisp, too.
Mission. VERY clear
Research and Case Studies/Stories. A perfect balance between the two.
Writing. Whew! She’s a very good writer. Very good. It’s always a pleasure to read good writing, regardless of the topic. Good writing is a treat, one you savor like an ice cream cone. But if you add an inspired writer and a topic near and dear to your heart well then you have that rare treat, one you want to share. Here we are.
There’s something more to Carol’s writing that makes her book and the experience reading it to be so satisfying. I’m not as articulate as Carol so my effort to explain here may fail miserably. But here goes. Her writing is so crisp and clear, her sentences are so well-organized and her ideas are such a step further in conception and clarity and impact that, well, ... reading it was like a mental yoga session, stretching - stretching - stretching and energizing-energizing-energizing me. Her writing made me stretch and learn and reach and at the same time come away inspired and excited about the challenges at these crucibles I face, we face, and the different primary archetypes we all possess within us that will help us find the solutions to these challenges.
I have the book resting on the arm of this lazy-boy chair where I write. It’s tempting me to go back through and savor what she’s written, what vistas open up when I read her words, what possibilities await with each of these archetypes. Chills.
Bottomline It? Sure. Read it.
Okay, you don't have the time. I understand. So, how about this plan.
When 3:00 PM rolls around and you're drive and willpower have fled the scene and you're reaching for backup in the form of coffee or a pastry, try reading her book instead. Sure, take it outside for some fresh urge but read her book. Let her writing and the possibilities she describes revive you with hope and ideas for that afternoon, that week.
Disclaimer: I was pitched to read the book. No promises asked or delivered except a copy of the book would be sent to me. After that it was up to me and Carol's book. Her book did all the work. I'm just sharing the experience.
PS: Oh yeah. She offers an online self-assessment test to determine your primary archetype as a responsible entrepreneur. I highly recommend it.
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