From Jeff Pulver, we learned it's not enough to be brave; you have to be brave enough to fail.
From ecobblah, we learned running from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm is the path to success.
From Chris Schultz at Voodoo Ventures, we learned...we have to be very brave, many times, and sustain a lot of enthusiasm to be successful.
From GMarkham, we had our minds opened to the possibilities of elevating failure to an acceptable outcome. (Course, we have to consider that several religions could lose their whole basis of funding...if we achieved that. But balance that against the happier, healthier lives. Fair.)
And now, we bring the power of social media to the learning process of failure. Create a failure wiki to share people's failures! This is a brilliant idea. Open source, transparent, huge audience of contributors as well as readers...all who'd benefit tremendously, in part, in total...from seeing some of the same mistakes made already that they are about to embark upon.
They can, as Newton did stand on the shoulders of giants, but in failing, and move quickly to their own discoveries. I love this idea. This to me is the culmination of all the tweets I've shared here today.
If you're brave enough to fail, you should be brave enough (humble enough) to share it in a wiki for others to learn from.
We could run much faster, cover more failures, if we could learn from others' failures in a wiki. And they us. A leapfrog game of failing and sharing the failures.
Failure would not only be elevated to an acceptable outcome, you'd celebrate it for the knowledge it brings back to the community. Kinda like community elders sharing advice with the young, enthusiastic and ...less-wise.
You could save a lot of money and a lot hearts and minds with these approaches.
I hope it helps.